Links to community available resources
Early Intervention
Early intervention is a program that works with children from birth to 3 years old. While working closely with the families, BCLC can refer to EI when there is a concern with a child’s development.
Beverly Public Schools
Beverly Public School work with children age 3-5. BPS has an integrated preschool program in which we refer for speech, Physical therapy, Occupational therapy and social emotional learning.
Home For Little Wanderers
HFLW is a therapeutic child therapy program. With the cooperation of the parents, BCLC can refer for an array of reasons. Trauma, social emotional strategies, divorce, and children being removed from parents are a few of the reasons in which BCLC will refer.
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
MSPCC is a free, state funded agency that works closely with BCLC to come up with strategies for a successful classroom. BCLC can make a referral to MSPCC and ask for observations of a specific child or a classroom. After they observe, they work closely with the teachers to help integrate positive behavior plans.

Big Brother/Big Sister
Big Brother/Big Sister is a program which provides mentoring and building positive relationships. They work with children ages 6-18 to serve as a mentor to the child and support to the family.
Women Infants and Children
WIC provides a range of services for qualified families. From nutrition and health education to food and support, all services are free.
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
The Department of Early Education and Care’s mission is to support the healthy growth and development of all children by providing high quality programs and resources for families and communities.