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Setting children on a path for success as they prepare for kindergarten

“Play is the highest form of research.”

– Albert Einstein

Our preschool children ages two years, nine months to six years spend their time in one of three developmentally appropriate classrooms. We have two Preschool designated spaces that typically include children from two years, nine months to four years and one PreK group consisting of our four to six year olds. Our preschoolers continue to learn through play and nature-connected curriculum that is designed to address all areas of cognitive, language, motor, and social-emotional development.

Our PreK students, who enter this classroom the year prior to Kindergarten are prepared for their fast approaching Kindergarten expectations, while still embracing a play and nature-based learning environment. Utilizing GOLD Teaching Strategies Assessment, the educators document the development of skills and growth, along with continuing goals for each individual child during their play, which are then shared with families on a regular basis.

We fully equip our students for daily fun-filled and engaging STEM inquiry, environmental stewardship, social interaction, and expressive art exploration, all through consistent routines and expectations. Be warned-they may not want to leave at the end of the day!

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Ages birth – 2yr 9mo

Infant & Toddler

The littlest members of BCLC are enveloped into a safe and welcoming environment – with a focus on building social emotional skills and fostering an early connection to nature-based learning in this classroom.

Kindergarten – 6th grade

School Age (ASOST)

Hands-on education for children ages Kindergarden to 6th grade. They are usually having so much fun, they forget that they are actually still learning!

All ages

Family Childcare

Children from infancy through young school age spend their days in an enriching environment, engaged in daily curriculum designed to meet each child’s individual and unique developmental needs.